The confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) case announced yesterday by Union County Public Health continues to be the only confirmed case in Union and Wallowa Counties at this time. Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Union County Public Health are working to identify and isolate any individuals who may have been in close contact with the person while they were contagious. The individual with COVID-19 had a recent history of international travel and is not considered to have acquired it from community spread. Health officials are urging citizens to band together to protect and support family, friends, and neighbors who may be at higher risk of becoming ill while maintaining social distancing.
A tent has been set up adjacent to the Wallowa County Emergency Room for COVID-19 triage and screening purposes. Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande has initiated a NO visitors restriction, but are seeing patients and the Emergency Services Department is open. Additional measures are being taken at both hospitals to protect the health and safety of staff and patients.
The Union County Call Center has been transitioned to Center for Human Development. Public Health related calls or inquiries call 211 or 971-673-1111. If the question is a Public Health related inquiry that cannot be met by calling 211 or 917-673-1111, please call 541-962-8800.
North Powder School District will have free food available for North Powder students age 18 and younger Monday, March 30 and Tuesday, March 31. A sack lunch will be given out the back doors of the cafeteria between 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM on those days.
Many agencies, businesses, and organizations throughout Union and Wallowa County are available by phone and appointment only. If you have any questions about the status of an office, please call and check with them before attempting to meet in person.
Union County Emergency Services will be testing capabilities of the AlertSense emergency notification system in the near future. Notifications can be used to notify the public of important information during an emergency. If you are interested in opting in to receive future notifications, you can sign up at…/.
There will be no update released again until Monday, March 23 unless significant changes occur over the weekend.